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Slang Words Starting with W

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with W that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


Win. W is often used to celebrate a win or success.Took a big W on that project, feels great.We're collecting Ws this season, no losses.That deal was a W, good job everyone.


Where You At?. WYA is often used to ask someone for their current location.WYA? Haven't seen you all day.The party's started, WYA?WYA, let's catch up, been ages.


Shy or introverted person. Wallflower is often used to describe someone who is quiet and reserved, particularly in social settings.I'm a bit of a wallflower at parties, prefer observing.She was a wallflower, staying out of the spotlight.Don't be a wallflower, join in the fun!


Slang for a car. Whip is often used to refer to a car, typically one that is seen as cool or impressive.Just got a new whip, wanna take it for a spin?His whip is so old, but it's still running.Saw your whip outside, looks good!

Whole meal

Someone attractive in every way. Whole meal is often used to describe someone who is very attractive, both physically and in terms of personality.She's not a snack, she's a whole meal!Look at him, a whole meal indeed!Dressed up tonight, feeling like a whole meal.


Socially and politically aware. Woke is often used to describe someone who is aware of social justice issues and actively advocates for change.Stay woke, they're trying to deceive us.He's pretty woke about social issues.Being woke is more than just a trend, it's about awareness.


What are you doing?. Wyd is often used to ask someone about their current activity.Wyd this weekend? Got any plans?Just got home, wyd?Wyd up so late, can't sleep?


To do something so well as to "make one's wig fly off." Unrelated to wig out.. "You always wig whenever you write a song."WiggyOriginated from Black LGBT ballroom culture. American singer Katy Perry is generally credited with propagating the word into the mainstream after using it to compliment a contestant on American Idol in 2018.

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
