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Slang Words Starting with N

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with N that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


Not Gonna Lie. NGL is used to preface a statement that might be surprising, controversial, or brutally honest.NGL, I was disappointed with the finale.She's cute, ngl.NGL, that's a lot of work for little reward.


Someone who cannot think for themselves and/or has no or little control over their own life, is ready to agree with popular opinion unquestioningly, and always believes what they are told; someone who acts robotic, similar to an NPC (non-player character) in a video game.. "He's such an NPC. He has no personality."Non-playable CharacterFirst gained popularity in late 2018 around the United States Midterm elections, where it was frequently used by supporters of then U.S. president Donald Trump to mock his opponents. It experienced a resurgence in popularity again in 2022 via TikTok. Originates from non-player characters in video games which can only be interacted with in limited ways and have static, preprogrammed behaviors controlled by the game's developer.


Not Safe For Work. NSFW is used to warn about content that is sexually explicit, violent, or otherwise inappropriate for viewing in a professional setting.Don't open that link at work, it's NSFW.He sent a NSFW meme to the group chat, risky move.That movie has some NSFW scenes, just a heads-up.

Netflix and chill

To watch Netflix with a romantic prospect, often with the eventual expectation of sexual activity.. "Come on, let's Netflix and chill."The term was first recorded in a tweet in 2009 in a nonsexual way. By 2015, the phrase became an Internet meme and its use on teenage social media was commonly described as "sexual."

No Crumbs

Flawless or perfect. No Crumbs is often used to describe someone's appearance or performance that leaves no room for criticism.She left no crumbs with that performance, absolutely killed it.His latest work? No crumbs, a total masterpiece.Delivered the project with no crumbs, clients were impressed.


Ordinary people who follow mainstream trends. Normies is often used to describe individuals who conform to mainstream cultural norms, often perceived as less unique or specialized by niche or subcultural groups.The new superhero movie was definitely made for normies; it sticks to the usual tropes and doesn’t dive deep into the lore.When I talk about my vintage record collection, I can tell the normies just don’t get why it’s so special to me.You can spot the normies at a comic con easily—they're the ones who stick to the mainstream merchandise booths.


Kitty cat noise, it’s used to portray a cutesy vibe, often used ironically, sometimes not. “Nyaa!! >.< ^_^”NyanIt’s a Japanese word similar to the word “Meow” in English.

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
