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Slang Words Starting with T

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with T that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


To Be Honest. TBH is often used to preface a candid or honest statement, sometimes revealing personal thoughts or feelings.TBH, I didn't like the movie much.She's nice, tbh, but not my type.TBH, we need to talk about your attitude.


That Feeling When. TFW is often used to describe a relatable moment or feeling, often accompanied by a meme or image.TFW you finally get off work and can relax.TFW your crush texts back quickly.TFW you find money in your old jacket.


Thank God It's Friday. TGIF is often used to express relief and excitement that the weekend is beginning.TGIF, can't wait to chill this weekend!TGIF, let's go out and celebrate!TGIF, been a long week.


Secret information or rumors. "So, what's the tea?"T, that's tea, spill the teaOriginates from Black drag culture of the 1990s. The letter "t" stood for "truth".

Thirst trap

Provocative post meant to attract attention. Thirst trap is often used to describe a social media post intended to attract attention, often through allure or suggestiveness.Posted a thirst trap on Insta, got hundreds of likes.He's all about those thirst traps, but they work.That photo is a thirst trap, looking good!


Desperate for attention or affection. Thirsty is often used to describe someone overly eager for attention, approval, or validation.He's thirsty for attention, always showing off.Don't be so thirsty, it's a bad look.She's posting thirsty pics again, wants the likes.

Throwing shade

Subtly insulting someone. Throwing shade is often used to describe subtle insults or criticisms, typically indirect.She was throwing shade during the meeting, so passive-aggressive.Started throwing shade as soon as he walked in.He's always throwing shade, never says anything nice.


Very close or good friends. Tight is often used to describe a close and solid friendship or relationship.We're tight, been friends since childhood.Keep it tight, no loose ends in this project.Our group is tight, we stick together.


Slang for "totally," meaning completely or absolutely. Totes is often used to express total agreement or to confirm something enthusiastically.Totes agree with you on that one.Totes the best day ever!Totes need a vacation ASAP.

Touch grass

A way of telling someone to "go outside", usually after said person is believed to have been on social media for too long.. "Yeah, he needs to go touch grass."Believed to have originated in 2015, before experiencing a resurgence in 2020-2021.


To be acting strangely or think you're hallucinating.. "Am I tweaking?""Bro are you tweaking?"Tweak, Tweakin, TweakedOriginates from AAVE meaning "high on meth", now used to denote anyone acting weirdly.


Term of endearment for a close friend. Twin is often used to address a close friend, suggesting a deep connection like that of siblings.Hey twin, wearing the same outfit today!What's up, twin? You ready for the exam?You two are like twins, always together.


Slang for "twisted," meaning intoxicated. Twizzy is often used to describe someone who is intoxicated or under the influence.Got a bit twizzy at the party last night.He's always twizzy by 10pm, can't handle his liquor.She got twizzy and started singing karaoke.

Type shi

Something of high quality, impressive, or cool. Type shi is often used to describe anything considered good or favorable, from clothes to music.That's type shi I like, right there!She's all about that type shi, you know, cars and speed.This is type shi, exactly what we need for the project.

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
