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Slang Words Starting with F

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with F that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


Free For All, a game mode where every player is against each other. FFA is often used in gaming to describe a mode where players compete individually.We're doing FFA tonight, every man for himself in the game.FFA mode is the most chaotic and I love it.Join the FFA lobby, it's going to be wild.


F**k My Life, expressing frustration or despair. FML is often used to express exasperation, disappointment, or misfortune.Missed my bus and it started raining, FML.Just spilled coffee on my shirt, FML.FML, I forgot my wallet at home.


"Fear Of Missing Out". FOMO is often used to describe the fear of missing out on exciting or interesting events.Total FOMO watching everyone's vacation pics.FOMO got the best of me, so I'm coming tonight.She has FOMO if she's not at every gathering.


For Real, affirming truth or seriousness. FR is often used to emphasize the truthfulness or sincerity of a statement.FR, I need to start taking things seriously.You're the best friend ever, fr.She's moving away, fr this time.


For Real, For Real, emphasizing absolute truth or seriousness. FRFR is often used to strongly emphasize the truthfulness or sincerity of a statement.I'm quitting sugar, frfr.You need to call him, frfr.They broke up, frfr.


For The Win, expressing enthusiasm or support. FTW is often used to express approval or excitement about a choice or preference.Bought the last concert ticket, FTW!Sushi for lunch, FTW!Finished all my assignments, FTW!


F**k With, meaning to like or support. FW is often used to express approval or enjoyment of something.FW this new restaurant, it's great!I fw your decision, totally support you.He fw the changes we made to the plan.


For You Page on TikTok. FYP is often used in the context of TikTok to refer to the algorithm-curated feed of videos.Made it onto the FYP with my last TikTok!Trying to figure out how the FYP algorithm works.Her video blew up on the FYP.


Affirmation that something is true. People say "Facts" to agree with a statement or emphasize its truthfulness.He speaks nothing but facts.Facts, that's the best movie this year.Drop some facts if you're going to argue with me.


High or drunk. Faded is often used to describe someone's state of intoxication.Got faded at the club last night.She was too faded to drive home.Let's get faded this weekend!

Fan service

Material in media created to please fans, often through explicit content or popular references. Fan service is often used to describe media elements designed to appeal to fans.That movie had so much fan service, the fans went wild.They added those scenes as fan service, not because they made sense.Fan service can make or break a series, honestly.


Fan-created elements in a fictional universe. Fanon is often used when discussing fan theories or interpretations about media or characters.That's just fanon, not actually in the books.The fanon version of the character is way cooler.Everyone believes that fanon detail, but it's not official.

Fanum tax

The theft of food between friends.. "I need to pay my Fanum tax, otherwise Fanum will lock me up in Ohio."Gen Alpha slang, coined by American streamer Fanum.


Slang for "fixing to" or "going to". Finna is often used to express an intention to do something soon.I'm finna go to the store, need anything?She's finna lose her mind when she sees the gift.We're finna have a great time at the concert.


Fake Instagram account for a more private or personal audience. Finsta is often used to refer to a secondary, more personal Instagram account.I posted that embarrassing story on my finsta.Only my close friends follow my finsta.He uses his finsta to share his real thoughts.


Term used to describe that something is impressive, good, or cool. This is usually said to express that you very much enjoy something or that it is hot (shown with the fire emoji). "#fire""This song is fire."Popularized on social media since at least 2020.


Short for outfit. Fit is often used to refer to someone's clothing or overall appearance.Nice fit, where'd you get those shoes?She always has the best fits for the club.I need to find a fit for the wedding.

Flavored air

Vaping, highlighting the minimal substance of the vapor. Flavored air is often used humorously to describe vaping, emphasizing its lightness.Vaping? So you're just inhaling flavored air.This new vape juice is like flavored air, very light.He joked that all they had at the party was flavored air.


Meaning to showcase or boast about one's achievements, possessions, or skills to demonstrate confidence or superiority.. "Not to flex, but I got a 98 on the test."Flexing, Flexed, Flex zoneOriginated from African-American Vernacular and gained wider usage in mainstream culture and social media.


Mentally or emotionally exhausted. Fried is often used to describe feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or burned out.My brain is fried after all those meetings.She looked fried coming out of that exam.This week has me absolutely fried.


LGBTQ+ person or something flamboyant/eccentric. Fruity is often used to describe someone's personality, style, or appearance in a playful, lighthearted manner.His style is so fruity, bright and colorful.This drink is fruity and refreshing.Wearing fruity scents today, smells like summer.


Extremely unattractive (combination of "f**king" and "ugly"). Fugly is often used to describe something very ugly or aesthetically unappealing.That sweater is fugly, why would you buy that?Saw the ugliest dog today, it was kinda fugly cute.He chose the fugly wallpaper on purpose.


Playfully exaggerated way of saying "flooding," describing an overwhelming situation. Fuhuhluhtoogan is often used to humorously describe a situation that is overwhelming.That party was a total fuhuhluhtoogan, never seen anything like it.This project is turning into a fuhuhluhtoogan.Their wedding planning sounds like a fuhuhluhtoogan.


Person interested in anthropomorphic animals. Furry is often used to describe someone who enjoys dressing up as or creating art of anthropomorphic animal characters.He's a furry, loves going to conventions in his costume.She designs costumes for furries.Being a furry is a big part of his identity.

Fit/Fit check

Term used to highlight or bring attention to one's outfit. Also used as a shortened version of "outfit.". "#fit check""This fit is iconic."Popularized on social media since at least 2017.

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
