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Slang Words Starting with V

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with V that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


Victory, "very," or shorthand for "versus". V can be used to mean "victory," as an intensifier like "very," or as shorthand for "versus" in a competitive context.Got a V on that test, feeling good!V for victory, we won the championship!This game is us vs them, V all the way.

VSCO girl

A stereotypical white girl who often takes trendy and "basic" pictures of themself to later edit and post online.. "I love your aesthetic! You're such a VSCO girl."Named after VSCO, a photography app released in 2011. The term "VSCO girl" originated in late 2018 and was popularized in 2019 on social media platforms such as TikTok where it became a trendy Internet aesthetic. The phrase has since fallen out of popularity in late 2019.


Seen as socially acceptable.. "I agree, your opinion is valid as hell."Gained prominence in Tumblr (and later, TikTok) discourse regarding the acceptability of a given behavior, person, or thing.


Ordinary, conventional, or lacking excitement. Vanilla is often used to describe something that is plain, boring, or unremarkable.That ice cream is too vanilla for me, need something with bits.Her tastes are pretty vanilla, very traditional.Went for a vanilla option, nothing too crazy.


Atmosphere or feeling of a place, situation, or person. Vibe is often used to describe the mood or energy of a person, place, or situation.This place has a good vibe, let's hang out here.She killed the vibe with her comments.The vibe at the beach was perfect, so relaxing.

Vibe check

To check one's personality or attitude.. "You need a vibe check.""He has passed the vibe check"Vibe checkedFirst defined in an Urban Dictionary post on April 18, 2011. Remained largely obscure until a sudden uptick of usage on Twitter in 2019.

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
