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Slang Words Starting with M

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with M that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


Very or extremely. Mad is used as an intensifier to emphasize the degree or intensity of something.I'm mad tired after that workout.She was mad excited about the concert tickets.It's mad hot today, can't stand this heat.

Main character

Used to describe someone who is or wants to be the star of their own life. Often used to refer to someone who wants to be the center of attention.. "She thinks she's the main character.""Driving with the windows down has main character energy."Main character energy, main character syndromePopularized by a TikTok video in May 2020 of someone jokingly singing and dancing about being the "main character" of their neighborhood.

Menty b

Mental Breakdown. Menty b is used to describe a state of extreme emotional distress or overwhelm.This week has been a menty b, need a break.Work has me feeling menty b, so stressed.He's been menty b ever since the move, needs to settle down.


A pseudoscientific method to restructure someone's jawline by pressing their tongue to the roof of their mouth.. "Sorry, can't talk! I'm trying to learn how to mew."MewingOriginally coined by controversial British dentist, John Mew, and his son, Mike. The term became popular in the late 2010's and on TikTok.


Technique to improve jawline appearance. Mewing is used in communities focused on self-improvement and physical attractiveness.He's trying mewing to improve his jawline.Mewing's supposed to help with facial structure, right?Read about mewing online, might give it a try.


Labeling something as average or not special. Sometimes used in a negative or insulting way.. "That movie was so mid."Originally used in 20th and 21st-century cannabis culture to describe mid-tier or low-quality marijuana. The term became popular on TikTok in the early 2020s.


To outshine or dominate someone. Mogging is used to describe someone who is significantly more attractive, successful, or skilled than others.He's mogging everyone at the gym, too strong!That outfit is mogging all the others tonight.She mogged her competitors at the race, no contest.


A.k.a "mutuals" or "mutual followers". Moots is often used to describe mutual followers, particularly on social media platforms like Twitter.Just did a meetup with some moots from Twitter.My moots are the best, always supporting my posts.Added a bunch of moots today, my timeline's lively now!


Someone who only seeks another for physical satisfaction. Munch is used to describe someone who is only interested in casual sexual encounters.He's not serious, just a munch, you know?She said she's looking for something serious, no more munches.Met a munch at the club, wasn't interested in more.


Short for "mutuals" or "mutual followers.". "I only let my moots reply to my posts."

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
