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Slang Words Starting with P

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with P that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


Used as an interjection to indicate that the preceding statement is final and that there is nothing more to be said about it. Similar to the British term "full stop.". "You were awesome out there, periodt."Period'tOriginated as "period" in the early 1900s. The addition of the "t" stems from Southern Black Gay English. Spread in the 2010s via the City Girls rap duo. Entered into the mainstream in 2019, in part due to Black Twitter. The T is based on a common trend in black English where T is used as a replacement for D.


Used as a conversation stopper when there is nothing left to say.. Person 1:"Soo...uhhh, yeah."Person 2: "Pluh"(walks away).Pluh, Plough, Ploh, Plugh,Used to be pronounced 'Plug', but rap collective BeatPluggz used 'pluh' as a tag to mark his music and eventually became a meme on TikTok circa 2021.


Expression of excitement or approval. Poggers is used to express excitement, surprise, or approval, often in gaming or online.Just won the match, poggers!That play was poggers, dude!Poggers, got the job I wanted!


Exclamation of excitement or amazement. Poggers is often used to express enthusiasm or surprise, often in gaming or online contexts.Landed the job, poggers!That game-winning shot was poggers!Found tickets to the sold-out show, poggers!


An endearing nickname for a close friend or lover. "Hello, my pookie!"Pookie bearOriginates from a German term of endearment in the 1900s. Also used as a pet name.


Term of endearment. Pookiebear is often used to address a romantic partner or close friend affectionately.Miss you, pookiebear, come visit soon!Thanks for the help, pookiebear!Pookiebear, you're always in my thoughts.


Upset or bothered. Pressed is often used to describe someone who is visibly upset or annoyed by something.Why are you so pressed about it? It's not a big deal.She was pressed when she saw them together.Don't get pressed over small stuff.

Pull Up

To arrive at a location confidently. Pull Up is often used to announce one's arrival or to invite someone to join them.Pull up at the party, we're waiting for you!Just pull up, I'll come out and guide you in.He said to pull up any time, always welcome.


Attracting romantic interest. Pulling is often used to describe successfully attracting romantic interest or attention.He's pulling all the attention tonight with those moves.She was pulling at the club, got so many numbers.You're really pulling, everyone likes you here.

Put on blast

Publicly humiliating or calling someone out. Put on blast is often used when someone publicly exposes or criticizes another person.He put me on blast in front of everyone, so embarrassing.She was put on blast for her comments on social media.Don't put me on blast like that, it's private.


Someone who seeks validation by trying to stand out, often putting down others in their own gender or group to gain favor or attention.. "She’s acting like such a pick-me."Pick-Me Girl, Pick-Me BoyThe term 'Pick-Me Girl' first appeared on Twitter in 2016 with the hashtag #TweetLikeAPickMe, mocking girls who called themselves 'wifey material.' Pick-Me Girls intend to impress men and are typically referred to having 'PICK ME, CHOOSE ME, LOVE ME' energy. The term 'Pick-Me Boy' later gained popularity as a boy who emotionally manipulates women by intentionally putting themselves down to seek validation and compliments.

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
