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Slang Words Starting with E

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with E that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


Easy or good game, well played (often in gaming). EZ/GGEZ is often used after winning a game or match, to indicate the ease of victory.Finished the game, EZ!They thought they'd win, but it was GGEZ for us.Cleared the level, EZ peasy.


Tired or sleepy. Eepy is often used to describe one's state of being in a vague, playful manner.Feeling a bit eepy today, need some sunshine.Got that eepy mood, everything feels off.Eepy vibes at the party, wasn't feeling it.


Person with a specific, often alternative style, popularized by internet culture. Egirls/Eboys are often used to describe someone's online persona or style on social media.She's an egirl, always streaming with cool makeup.He's becoming quite the eboy on social media.That eboy style is really popular among his followers.


Someone or something that is over-the-top, excessive, or dramatic in behavior, appearance, or actions.. "They are so extra."Has origins in African-American vernacular and gained popularity and usage in mainstream social media and pop culture.


Term used to label a person's current interests or priorities.. "I've been working out, I'm in my fitness era.""I'm in my villain era."Originated from the "In My Era" trend on TikTok in 2022, which involves users highlighting unique aspects or moments to showcase themselves as the "main character" of their lives.

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
