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Slang Words Starting with C

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with C that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


To lie. Specifically, saying someone is "capping" or "cap" means to say they are lying. On the other hand, if someone says "no cap", it means they aren't lying.. "I'm actually going to be productive today, no cap.""You actually got tickets to the Bad Bunny concert? You're capping."No Cap, CappingFirst used in 1906 by Alfred Henry Lewis in his book Confessions of a Detective, this may have originated from another slang usage of "cap", meaning to brag or exaggerate. Popularized in 2017.


Money or being rich. Cash is often used to refer to money, often in a boastful or celebratory context.We're going to need more cash if we want to buy that.All cash purchases today, no cards.He's all about the cash, doesn't care about credit.

Catch feels

To develop romantic feelings for someone. People use "Catch feels" to describe unexpectedly developing feelings for someone.I didn't mean to catch feels, but here we are.Try not to catch feels, it's just a summer fling.She's catching feels after just two dates.

Caught in 4K

Refers to someone being indisputably caught doing something wrong or incriminating on camera or with evidence to prove it, referencing 4K resolution. "How do they catch you in 4k?""Bro really got caught in 4k."Catch in 4k, Catching in 4kOriginally from YouTuber RDCworld1's 2019 video How Lawyers Always Get Rappers Off, in which a lawyer talks to his client who was caught on video committing various crimes. The term is used similarly to the phrase "caught red-handed."


Stereotypically attractive, confident, and often arrogant male. Chad is often used to describe a masculine persona associated with athleticism and popularity.He's such a Chad, always at the gym flirting.Look at Chad over there with his sports car.You think he's a Chad, but he's really sweet and smart.


To talk or converse. People use "Chat" to refer to casual conversation, either in person or online.Let's have a chat about your grades.We chatted all night and didn't realize how late it got.I need to chat with my boss about some ideas I have.


Out of date or trying too hard to be trendy. Cheugy is often used to describe things, trends, or behaviors considered unfashionable.That meme is kind of cheugy now.She was wearing those cheugy 2010s fashion trends.This decor is so cheugy, but I love it.


Swift and witty response to an insult or critique.. "He was being mocked, so he clapped back and made the whole room go quiet."Clap back, Clapped backDerived from the eponymous 2003 song "Clap Back" by rapper Ja Rule, which was a diss track against 50 Cent and Eminem, where the term was used to describe how Ja Rule and his crew would shoot those who oppose him. Garnered popularity on Twitter.


Female genitalia. Coochie is often used as a slang term for female genitalia.Girl, no way I'm wearing that coochie cutter to the party.This skirt is a bit too coochie for my taste.Coochie shorts are not appropriate for a family dinner!


When a person or subject is "Cooked" (As an adjective), it's the state of being in any sort of danger, physical, emotional, of failure, or of reputation. Can be used in a similar fashion to "Doomed." It can also mean to have been humiliated, embarrassed, or messed up in some way.. "We're down 20 points, we are so cooked.""He just cooked her in the debate.""This generation is cooked."See above.Popularized on Twitter in early 2023. Can mean something else given context (See "cook" above).


Doing something well or successfully. Cooking is often used to describe someone excelling at a task or performing exceptionally well.He's cooking up a storm for the dinner party.Cooking is her way of relaxing, loves trying new recipes.They're cooking up plans for a surprise birthday.


Strategies to deal with stress or trauma. Coping is often used when discussing mental health or self-care strategies.We're all just coping with the situation as best we can.Coping with stress through meditation helps her.He's been coping by writing, says it's therapeutic.


Sarcastic term for false hope. A word play between the words "coping" and "opium", the latter of which is a drug. Copium is often used when someone is being overly optimistic in a difficult situation.Sounds like copium, but hope you're right.She's on pure copium thinking they'll get back together.Using copium to deal with the loss, saying it was for the best.


Playful or manipulative flirt. Coquette is often used to describe someone's flirtatious behavior.She was all coquette at the bar, flirting with everyone.He loves playing the coquette, so charming.Playing a coquette isn't easy, but she's mastered it.

Cray cray

Crazy or insane. People say "Cray cray" to describe something wild, unbelievable, or outlandish.That party last night was cray cray!She can be a bit cray cray when she's stressed.This traffic is making me cray cray!


Something that causes embarrassment or awkwardness. Cringe is often used to describe situations that evoke discomfort or embarrassment.That was so cringe, I couldn't watch.He made a cringe joke at dinner and everyone went silent.Stop, your dance moves are cringe!


Being both drunk and high simultaneously. Crossfaded is often used to describe being intoxicated by both alcohol and marijuana.Got crossfaded last night and regret it this morning.She doesn't like getting crossfaded, prefers to stick to one thing.Be careful mixing drinks, don't want to end up crossfaded.


Mean-spirited or spiteful behavior. Cunty is often used to describe someone's actions or attitude, particularly in bold or assertive manners.Her attitude at the meeting was pretty cunty, not a good look.That cunty remark was uncalled for, apologize.She has a cunty way of dismissing people, it's off-putting.


To "cook", as a verb, is to prepare or initiate a situation with intent of creating a result. The most common uses ("Someone cooked here" and "Let him cook") are a request to give one space to proceed uninterrupted (especially when saying or doing something provocative) in the hope that the result might be entertaining, if not agreeable.. "Hold on, let him cook.""Someone cooked here."Getting cooked, Being cookedOriginated within the African-American community. Can be traced back to Lil B. Popularized on Twitter and TikTok for the mainstream in early 2023. Can mean something else given context (See "cooked").

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
