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Slang Words Starting with U

Below is a complete list of Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang words beginning with U that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


Shorthand for "uncle," often used for an older male friend. Unc is used as a term of respect or familiarity when addressing an older male who is not a family member.What's up, Unc? Haven't seen you in a while.Thanks for the advice, Unc.Unc always knows how to fix things.

Understood the assignment

To understand what was supposed to be done; to do something well.. "When he got up on stage, he understood the assignment."Popularized by American rapper Tay Money's 2021 song "The Assignment". She posted a video on TikTok stating that she "understood the assignment."

Upper decky

Prank involving defecating in the upper tank of a toilet. Upper decky is used humorously to describe a mischievous or gross prank.Dude pulled an upper decky at the party, it was chaos.Never invite him again, he might do another upper decky.That upper decky was legendary, but what a mess to clean.


Used to portray happiness or one wanting to appear cute. Used more or less as an expression.. "UwU, soft kisses.""OwO, what's this?"uwu, UwU, owo, OwOBecame popular in the 2000s. The expression is commonly associated with furry, femboys and anime fandoms.

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words
