- G
Slang Words Starting with G
Below is a complete list of Gen Alpha slang words beginning with G that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.
Slang Word | Definition | Examples | Variations | Origin |
GOAT | Acronym for the phrase "greatest of all time".. | "You're the GOAT." | GOAT/Goated/🐐 | |
Glaze | To over-hype, praise, or compliment someone to the point where it becomes annoying or cringeworthy.. | "You need to stop glazing." | Glazing, Glazer, Meatriding | First surfaced on Discord in late 2021 and was popularized on Twitch. The term made its way to YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok in 2023. The term is used similarly to "kiss-ass" or "suck-up." |