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Slang Words Starting with D

Below is a complete list of Gen Alpha slang words beginning with D that are used or popularized to help people understand the way the younger generations communicate. These slang words are constantly evolving and being updated, and their meanings may change as the way young people communicate changes.

Slang WordDefinitionExamplesVariationsOrigin


Used to describe someone who holds unrealistic or overly idealistic beliefs, especially in the realm of relationships.. "You are so delulu."Solulu, TrululuDerived from the English word "delusional," and has its origins in Internet communities obsessed with K-pop culture. The phrase "delulu is the solulu," implying self-confidence is the solution, helped increase the popularity of the term.


Trendy high-class fashion.. "Cool drip, where'd you buy it?Dripper, DrippyOrigin is disputed; rap blog HipHopDX claims that it stems from the Atlanta Rap scene in the early 2000s; an Urban Dictionary entry states that it's early 2010s Jersey slang, and some state that it may originate from the late 2000s teen show Zoey 101, where dripping was a synonym for "cool."

Alphabetical Index of Slang Words

Gen Alpha Slang is a dedicated platform focused on the linguistic features of the language and slang of Generation Alpha. This page provides definitions and explanations of slang words starting with D that are relevant to these young generations.